13 February 2007

Birthday in Turkey

Even people who live and work in Turkey have birthdays. Life goes on.

So we can't keep with the usual time-honoured family traditions - a family get-together, and a photo taken while (looking daft and) blowing out the mandatory candles on the mandatory cake.

We thought about having a party or 'do' of some sort here in our apartment - we have plenty of space and everything. But almost everyone we know smokes heavily. To be polite they would go out onto our balcony... So I had this vision of a large crowd of people on our tiny balcony, and maybe a collapsed balcony.

A month ago, on the day when the company threatened to pay us late and we decided not to work until things were right, we all went to a little cake cafe in town, called Edo's. It was a good time together. So we decided to do that again.

We bought one of their cheesecakes - it turned out to be more of a jelly-cake - and the shop people decorated it with sparklers and a couple of those tiny umbrellas they put in drinks. And almost the whole crew came - here's Stephanie, Shannon, Charlotte, Michael, Steven, and us. Good times.

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