04 January 2007

Table Talk

Our living room table is awash with cables and devices - and that's with the scanner being put away in the cupboard. I did have my sewing machine on there too but, well ...

So then I took the kitchen table out of the kitchen and set it up in the spare room - now my 'sewing room' - and although the table is small, and round, I found that I had more room for my sewing than when I used the main table in the living room.

However, every time we come home with shopping Peter stands and pines for our kitchen table to put the shopping onto (not that he has ever sat there to eat ...)

So we have been on the lookout for another table. Over the last few days we have been looking into second-hand furniture shops - which has been difficult because they have all been closed over Bayram (the religious holiday).

Yesterday we were walking around the quiet streets, and quite suddenly they became the crowded streets. It was 5pm and Bayram had suddenly ended and the crowds were eagerly pouring into the shopping centres.

In our little street we saw a man pushing a cart with a little folding table in it - "Oh, look! There's our table!" I told Peter. We wandered slowly towards our apartment, and noticed that the second-hand shop just down the street was open at last. Cart Man stopped there too, and tried to sell his table to the proprietor, as we stood by and watched. Shop Man wasn't interested, so we rocked up and asked if the table was for sale, and how much he wanted.

He said 15. We suggested 10. (Yeah, I know, should have said 5 at the most.) Cart Man's face lit up, it was his lucky day.

And ours. We had what we wanted, and we were only a few metres from home.

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